JUNE 21, 2012

The regular meeting of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:33 p.m. by Vice President Orlando Rivera. Present were Board members: Salo, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Ukleja, Rivera. Absent Board members: Garcia, Teets. Also present were: Sharon L. Highler, Library Director; Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services; Stephanie Carlile, Head of Circulation Services; and Frank Shoemaker and Mark Rhodes of Current Technologies Corporation.

The Board approved the agenda for the meeting. The Executive Session will not be needed.

Minutes of the Board meeting of May 17, 2012, and the minutes of the Executive Session of May 17, 2012, were read and accepted on a motion by Salo with a second by Blaskey.

AYES: All.

The Board read and accepted the following: the Treasurer’s Report of May 31, 2012; the Bills Payable/Paid Report for May 2012; the Revenue and Expense Report for May 2012; and the Statistical Circulation and Acquisitions Reports for May 2012. Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Ukleja with a second by Salo. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Ukleja, Rivera.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Garcia, Teets.

Grand total for May: $62,441.34.

The librarians’ reports were read and accepted with the appreciation of the Board. Highler explained how the Adult and Youth Services departments funded their ereaders through the state per capita grant. The open security monitor position was discussed. The announcement of the open position will be made public on June 25, after a one-week posting in-house.

Frank Shoemaker and Mark Rhodes of Current Technologies Corporation (CTC) gave their presentation to the Board. Mr. Shoemaker gave an overview of CTC, an IT consulting firm, its expertise, and the products sold. CTC features on-site consultants plus remote support for its clients. Mr. Rhodes reported on our current IT status as reported by George Boothe, their on-site consultant. Overall, our IT status is relatively stable. However, we have older hardware and software that needs to be updated. The backup system for IT is sufficient, but could be updated or perhaps outsourced. Some extra equipment that we have in-house can be used for some of the updates. He recommends a simplification of our IT infrastructure, and then the development of a plan for the future. A more detailed analysis of our IT system can be presented at the regular Board meeting in August. The Board asked some additional questions. Rivera asked if there would be any computer downtime for patrons or staff. There will be some, but CTC will plan the work so that there will be minimal downtime during the hours that the library is open. Blaskey asked if there is any “imminent danger” for our IT system as it is now. CTC stated that so far they have not found anything critical or dangerous. The servers have been found to be the most in need of updating. The Board is in favor of hearing a more detailed report of the situation at the August meeting. Rivera asked what would be a “safe” cost for maintaining a system of our size. CTC replied that usually a schedule is developed for when to replace parts of the system. After the analysis is completed, they can give a detailed plan, an updating schedule and the costs.

7:33 p.m., the CTC representatives left the meeting while the Board and Highler discussed the proposed CTC contract for the 2012-13 fiscal year. What CTC has accomplished so far, and how often CTC staff should come in, were among the topics discussed. The Board voted to approve the contract, “Agreement for Onsite IT Support”, with Current Technologies Corporation for the 2012-13 fiscal year, on a motion by Salo with a second by Gutierrez. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Ukleja, Rivera.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Garcia, Teets.

7:44 p.m., the CTC representatives were called back to the meeting, and were informed that the contract was approved. They will give a more detailed analysis of the IT system at the regular Board meeting on August 16.

7:46 p.m., Mr. Shoemaker and Mr. Rhodes were thanked for coming and they left.

Highler reminded Board members to complete their required online training on the Open Meetings Act.

Plans were discussed for the car and riders for the Northlake Days Parade on June 24.

Stephanie Carlile, Head of Circulation Services, spoke to the Board. She showed examples to the Board of the new look of magazines from the magazine barcoding project, a security case for the new circulating blu-ray collection, and the postcard form used in confirming the addresses of patrons who do not have two proofs of address to present at the time of registration. She presented copies of a list of proposed changes to item limits and holds to the Board. She would like to try these changes for the summer in order to collect data before permanent changes to the circulation policy in September. The temporary changes would begin on July 1. The Board approved the temporary changes in the circulation policy on a motion by Salo with a second by Blaskey.

AYES: All.

8:07 p.m., Stephanie Carlile was thanked for coming and she left.

The Call One telecommunications service renewal was discussed by the Board. The information sheet presented to the Board showed the savings resulting from using the service, and Highler recommended continuing. The Board approved renewal of the Call One telecommunications program on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Salo. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Ukleja, Rivera.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Garcia, Teets.

The contract for the audit for the year ending June 30, 2012, by McClure, Inserra & Company, Chartered, was presented to the Board. Highler recommended that the company be retained for another year since their pricing did not increase drastically. After discussion, the Board approved the audit contract with McClure, Inserra & Company, Chartered, on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Salo. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Ukleja, Rivera.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Garcia, Teets.

The previous director’s credit card has expired, and the district is left with limited access for vendors requiring a credit card. It is usually recommended that a primary card signer be a staff member or the President or Treasurer of the Board. The Board would rather have a staff member be a primary card signer. Pending acceptance by U.S. Bank, the Board approved Rich Stronczek, Business/Building Manager, to be primary card signer, on a motion by Salo with a second by Blaskey. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Ukleja, Rivera.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Garcia, Teets.

Trustees received copies of the Library Legal Calendar & Dates, covering dates through August 2012.

Ordinance #12-541, “…To Levy an Additional .02% Tax for Equipping the Library and for the Maintenance and Repair of the Library Building and Equipment of the Library District,” was adopted on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Gutierrez. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Ukleja, Rivera.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Garcia, Teets.

Ordinance #12-542, “2012 Annual Ordinance Authorizing Public Library Non-Resident Cards,” was presented, plus a sheet on the non-resident fee calculation used for the fee included in the ordinance. Ordinance #12-542 was adopted on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Ukleja. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Ukleja, Rivera.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Garcia, Teets.

Ordinance #12-543, “Ascertaining the Prevailing Rate of Wages for Laborers, Workers, and Mechanics Employed on Public Works…”, was adopted on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Ukleja. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Ukleja, Rivera.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Garcia, Teets.

The draft of the job description for Security Monitor was read and approved by the Board on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Gutierrez.

AYES: All.

The Schedule of Regular Board Meetings for the 2012-13 fiscal year was approved on a motion by Salo with a second by Blaskey.

AYES: All.

For the fiscal year 2013 Per Capita Grant, the Board must review the Illinois library laws regarding Grants and Supplemental Taxes. Board members were given copies to read for the August meeting. The Board members were also given copies of another required review by the Per Capita Grant, Chapter 9, “Programming,” from Serving Our Public 2.0: Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, 2009. This chapter should also be read for the August meeting.

The Board discussed scheduling a review of the “Closed Session Minutes,” to decide if any can be changed to open records. It was decided to leave the “Closed Session Minutes” in closed status, on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Salo.

AYES: All.

Signers need to be appointed for the checks written through June 30, 2012. Salo and Blaskey volunteered. They will receive reminder calls.

Information was given to the Board about the April 9, 2013, election. September 25, 2012, is the first day for candidates for the Board of Trustees to circulate nominating petition sheets. Two six-year Trustee positions will be up for election in April. These are currently held by Teets and Ukleja. Please let Highler know your decision about whether or not to run for your position.

Board members were given a library law sheet to review, “Library Trustees Serve Without Compensation,” produced by Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins, Ltd., attorneys at law.

No members of the public were present.

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for August 16, 2012.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. on a motion by Salo with a second by Blaskey.

AYES: All.

Barbara Salo, Secretary