FEBRUARY 18, 2010

The regular meeting of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Kathy O’Cull. Present were Board members: Salo, Blaskey, Gutierrez, O’Cull. Also present were Rich Stronczek, office manager; Joe Vlach, auditor with McClure, Inserra & Co., Chtd.; Sharon L. Highler, library director; and Mary Jane Garrett, head of technical services. Absent Board members: Rivera, Salutric, Teets.

Minutes of the regular Board meeting of January 21, 2010, were read and approved on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Salo.

Ayes: All.

The Board read and accepted the following: the Treasurer’s Report of January 31, 2010; the Bills Payable Report for February 18, 2010; the Revenue and Expense Report for January 2010; and the Statistical Circulation and Acquisitions Report for January 2010. Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Salo with a second by Blaskey. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Gutierrez, O’Cull
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Rivera, Salutric, Teets.

Grand total of all payables listed: $49,850.70

The librarians’ reports were read and accepted with the appreciation of the Board. Although Board members were concerned about the incidents reported in Adult Services during January, they said they would still rather hear about them, so they would know the security issues at the library.

The Board agreed to amend the agenda so that Joe Vlach of McClure, Inserra & Co., Chtd., and Rich Stronczek, office manager, could speak about the audit of the library district for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. New auditing rules require that the auditor report to the Board. Board members have already received paper copies of the audit. Vlach touched on audit highlights, with Stronczek to confirm or elaborate for the Board. The Cook County property taxes are expected to be late coming in for the second half of the payment. The district may need to reduce spending during the time when the tax payments are late. The pension fund (IMRF) for the district is judged to be well-funded.

7:23 p.m., Vlach and Stronczek were thanked for their time and they left.

Plans were discussed for the open house to welcome Highler, to be held February 21, 2010.

Highler reported that the library district has received the award letter for the 2010 Per Capita Grant. Because of the state’s budget deficit, the grant’s amount has been reduced, but not by as much as had been feared. The Secretary of State had decided to use federal funds from the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) to lessen the budget cuts. The grant is funding at the rate of $1.02 per library district resident this year. This also emphasizes the importance of an accurate 2010 Census, so there is realistic data on the district’s population.

President O’Cull reported that she received a letter from a patron who complained about a teen program featuring a ramen-eating contest. The patron felt that this was insensitive during the present economic situation, when people are actually going hungry. The Board was also concerned about this, and asked to what the ramen-eating contest was connected. Garrett replied that the Anime Night was the actual event, and that the staff usually include an activity related to food and Japan in addition to the teens watching an anime film. Highler added that she will talk to staff about how their programs are described in the newsletter, and that the district needs to publicize how much food for local food banks has been collected in programs such as the recent Food for Fines event.

O’Cull then reported that during the meeting dates from May through October she will not be in town. As she will miss at least four meetings and will not be available locally during those months, she feels the need to step down as president of the Board. Does she need to give up being a trustee as well? If a speaker-phone is legal, the Board said that she could remain a trustee if she wished. The bylaws would need to be amended to permit phone participation at Board meetings, and the attorney would need to be consulted about what would be required for the participation to be legal. The Board asked how a new president would be selected. Candidates can be nominated by other trustees, or they can self-nominate if they wish. Any official action will be tabled until the next regular meeting. An email needs to be sent to all Board members telling them that O’Cull is stepping down as president.

O’Cull reported on the trustee meeting, “Exploring the Library Board & Director Relationship”, that she attended with Highler on February 6. Her notes and the handouts from the meeting are available by request. There were also educational websites listed. Highler can also hand out guides to some of the financial considerations. Copies of handouts can be given to the Board at the next regular meeting. O’Cull highly recommended this series of meetings for trustees. The next meeting will be on advocacy, and will be held on March 6 at the Prairie Trails Public Library District in Burbank. If any trustees are interested in attending, they should let Highler know.

The Executive Session listed on the agenda was not needed.

Highler spoke about the district’s current HVAC company’s performance, and is wondering if the contract can be changed to another company. She will need to talk to Stronczek about details relating to this.

Highler gave copies to the Board members of the 2010 list of library closing dates. This will also be posted in the library.

No members of the public were present.

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for March 18, 2010.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m. on a motion by Salo with a second by Gutierrez.

Ayes: All.

Barbara Salo, Secretary