NOVEMBER 20, 2014

The regular meeting of November 20, 2014, of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees, was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Orlando Rivera.  Present were Board members:  Salo, Sydor, Gutierrez, Wright, Rivera.  Absent Board member:  Efta.  Also present were Sharon L. Highler, Library Director; and Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services.

The Board approved the agenda with the following changes:  the official financial reports will not be available at this meeting; there will be no policy revisions to discuss; and no Executive Session will be needed.  The agenda was approved as amended on a motion by Salo with a second by Sydor.

AYES:  All.

The minutes of the Public Hearing and the Board Meeting of October 16, 2014, were approved by the Board on a motion by Wright with a second by Salo.

AYES:  All.

The Statistical Circulation and Acquisitions reports were accepted by the Board on a motion by Wright with a second by Gutierrez.

AYES:  All.

The librarians’ reports were read and accepted with the appreciation of the Board.  Highler reported on the research and other tasks needed for the bond refinancing that have taken most of her time.  During the previous week there was a hearing with Standard & Poor’s on the library district’s rating, for which additional reports were required.  Department heads have stepped up to take on additional tasks so that Highler could concentrate on work for refinancing the bonds.

Library programs funded through the Eliminate the Digital Divide grant are under way.  The final check from the grant has been received.  The library staff is spending the last funds from the FY 2014 Per Capita Grant.  Final purchases have included or are planned for computer monitors, a receipt printer for Circulation Services, repair of the 3-D printer, and replacement of the poster printer.  We have been having problems with the public printers and their maintenance service, and are looking into another service.

Highler and the Board discussed the Trustee election for April 2015.  At the time of the meeting, no election packets had been taken by “nonincumbent” Trustee candidates at the Circulation desk.  Salo has heard of two people who may be running for Trustee, but until candidates officially file we will not know for sure who else is running.  All instructions for filing are included with the election packets.

There have been several staff changes this past month.  A new Teen Librarian has been hired, and will begin in mid-December.  Two part-time staff have been hired by Youth Services and have begun work.  Harvey Huie of Adult Services has resigned.

There have been a number of lighting issues at the library.  Light bulbs and ballasts have been replaced, and the roof is being cleaned.  While figuring out the lighting system for the parking lot, technicians have discovered other lighting problems in the building.  An energy assessment has been done by SEDAC (Smart Energy Design Assistance Center); copies were available for the Board.  If the library implements all recommended changes, it is estimated we could save as much as $10,000.00 over the course of a year.  We have applied for SEDAC to analyze the building in more detail.

A community survey is being developed, to provide data needed for long-range planning.

The question of whether or not to install a public vending machine in the library is a decision still in progress.  If it is decided that we will install a machine, if mess from food and drink increases we will have the vending machine removed.

A new tax objection against the library district has been started, but an official decision on it has not been made yet.

The treasurer for Stone Park has been teaching Highler and Annette Ignoffo (our financial person) how to pare down our financial reports, and how to deal with our present financial system for FY 2014-15.  FY 2013-14 has been closed out as of November 20, 2014.  We may change to a new financial system for FY 2015-16.  For the bond refinancing, Highler will need to decide on either checks or wire transfers for the selling of the bonds.  The final closing on the bonds is planned to be December 30, 2014.

For his President’s Report, Rivera asked if we could purchase some nicer barricades to protect our larger displays.  Highler agreed and planned to discuss with library staff on developing nicer barriers.

While the building is closed for the Staff In-Service Day on December 5, carpeting will be cleaned on the upper floors.

Trustee online training on the Open Meetings Act is now complete.

Rivera reported that two checks waiting for Board signing are incorrectly numbered.  Highler will make sure that these are corrected.

Highler submitted her proposal to the Board for special staff considerations, which included service awards and bonuses.  After discussion, the Board approved Highler’s proposal on a motion by Salo with a second by Sydor.  Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Sydor, Gutierrez, Wright, Rivera.
NAYS: None.

The Board received copies of Lutron’s services quote to evaluate and repair the lighting system.  After discussion, the Board voted to approve a minimum of three days of work on site by Lutron Services Co., on a motion by Salo with a second by Sydor.  Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Sydor, Gutierrez, Wright, Rivera.
NAYS: None.

The computer that managed HVAC for the building no longer worked and was replaced by one of our older computers.

No members of the public were present.

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for January 15, 2015.

Having moved through the agenda, and with no further business, President Rivera adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.


Barbara Salo, Secretary

