SEPTEMBER 19, 2013

The regular meeting of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:44 p.m. by President Orlando Rivera. Present were Board members: Salo, Efta, Rivera. Absent Board members: Garcia, Gutierrez, Mukite, Wright. Also present were Sharon L. Highler, Library Director; and Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services. When the meeting was called to order, a quorum did not exist. Until another member of the Board arrived, the Trustees present were limited to those parts of the agenda that did not require action/voting.

The librarians’ reports were read and discussed by Highler and the Board. Highler reported on additional happenings related to the library district. The library’s circulation is up, and is between 1% and 2% of the total systemwide use of the SWAN catalog for the month. The SWAN catalog consists of the collections of over 70 public, special, and academic libraries. The only bad result of our usage increase is that it will eventually increase our SWAN fees. The Elmhurst Public Library has left the SWAN group and has moved to their stand-alone catalog. Our patrons will still be able to use their resources and their patrons will still be able to use ours, but there will be an additional one or two registration steps and a little more time to wait for interlibrary loan materials.

The Trustee Orientation meeting of September 14 was discussed. The Trustees appreciated the topics covered and the handouts provided. One of the topics discussed at orientation was the boundaries that are required to be between the Board and the Friends of the Library group.

Recognition of former Trustees was discussed. The only former Trustee that has replied is Michele Ukleja.

When is the last possible date for Board approval of the Budget and Appropriations Ordinance? September 24 is the last date.

The Room Usage Policies were read and discussed by the Trustees. Corrections need to be made. The lines for number of chairs and tables need to be switched, with the lines with the larger numbers being with the Programming Room. The spelling of the word “Usage” in the title needs to be corrected. Under “Guidelines for Usage of Meeting & Program Rooms,” in the first line, “opening” should be changed to “open.” In the third line, the spelling of “attendance” needs to be corrected.

The Board read and discussed the Executive Director Evaluation Form of the Frankfort Public Library, for use as a guide for the library district’s own director’s evaluation process.

7:08 p.m., Gutierrez arrived and a quorum was established.

The Board approved the agenda for the meeting, except for not needing the Executive Session.

The Board approved the minutes of the regular Board meeting of August 15, and the minutes of the special meeting of September 14, 2013, on a motion by Salo with a second by Efta.

AYES: All.

The Board read and accepted the following: the Treasurer’s Report of August 31, 2013; the Bills Payable/Paid Report for September 19, 2013;  the Revenue and Expense Report for August of 2013; and the Statistical Circulation and Acquistions Report for August of 2013.  Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Salo with a second by Gutierrez.  Roll call vote:

       AYES: Salo, Gutierrez, Efta, Rivera.
       NAYS: None.
       ABSENT: Garcia, Mukite, Wright.

Total bills payable:  $61,879.35.

Total bills paid: $53,595.60.

The librarians’ reports were accepted with the appreciation of the Board.

Efta and Rivera have audited the Secretary’s minutes for FY 2012-13, and reported that one signature was missing from a document, but that this has been corrected. All minutes and other records for the past fiscal year have been found to be in order and have no errors or discrepancies. The Board accepted the audit on a motion by Efta with a second by Salo.

AYES: All.

The Room Usage Policies, with the corrections mentioned previously, were reviewed and adopted on a motion by Salo with a second by Efta.

AYES: All.

The Board accepted the Estimate of Revenues for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2013, and Ending June 30, 2014, on a motion by Gutierrez with a second by Salo. Roll call vote:

       AYES: Salo, Gutierrez, Efta, Rivera.
       NAYS: None.
       ABSENT: Garcia, Mukite, Wright.

The Board adopted Ordinance #13-552, Providing for Budget and Appropriations of the Northlake Public Library District, Cook County, Illinois, for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2013, and Ending June 30, 2014, on a motion by Efta with a second by Salo. Roll call vote:

       AYES: Salo, Gutierrez, Efta, Rivera.
       NAYS: None.
       ABSENT: Garcia, Mukite, Wright.

The Board accepted the FY 2014 Per Capita Grant application on a motion by Salo with a second by Efta.

AYES: All.

The director’s evaluation process was discussed. Highler will provide the additional pages needed to complete Frankfort Public Library’s Executive Director Evaluation Form, which is being used as a guide. Highler reported that often each Trustee does an individual evaluation of the Director, and all of the evaluations are then compiled/averaged by one person of the Board. Staff participation in the process was discussed. Is a special committee needed? Highler said no, but one Trustee is needed to compile results of the evaluations. The Board meets in Executive Session to discuss the results. New trustees should just evaluate according to what they’ve seen in their limited time on the Board. Salo volunteered to be the compiler. The full form will be distributed, then filled out by the Trustees and returned to Salo. Highler asked if the Board wished input from the Library Director, and the Board replied yes.

The Board decided to have the form distributed to the Trustees by October, to be filled out and given to Salo by the regular meeting on October 17. Salo will compile results for an Executive (Closed) Session on the same day as the regular meeting on November 21. Trustees are to each come to the November meeting with at least one goal for the Library Director. The Board will then meet with the Library Director on November 21. These plans were approved by the Board on a motion by Gutierrez with a second by Efta.

AYES: All.

No members of the public were present.

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2013.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m. on a motion by Salo with a second by Efta.

AYES:  All. 

Barbara Salo, Secretary